The Noble Dhāranī of The Supreme Accomplishment of Sitātapatrā Born from the Tathāgata’s Usnīsa, the Great Invincible Dispeller









Want to know more? Click here for an explanation from Dr. Lye or here for a guided chant of this practice.
This text with the translation and transliteration is from Lotsawa House—an excellent resource for Tibetan Buddhist texts translated into the major Western languages. Click here for this dharani text in various formats to download.
This translation was finalized on the basis of comparisons with an old manuscript from the Amṛtabhavana monastery in Kashmir by the paṇḍita Parahitabhadra and the lotsāwa Zu Gador. Translated by Lhasey Lotsawa (Stefan Mang, Lowell Cook and Peter Woods), 2020. Wiesiek Mical kindly offered further suggestions and clarifications based on the Sanskrit.

The Reversal Ritual of White Parasol

dé shek tsuk tor tar mi ngön pa lé/ nyer trung gyelwa
kün yum duk kar mo/ tsen tsam tö pé rik ngak mé yi
kyang/ dü dé sek jé denjung lhak pé lha/

From the invisible uṣṇīṣa of the one gone-to-bliss,
Is born White Parasol, the mother of all the conquerors.
Merely upon hearing your name, by the fire of the knowledge mantra,
The horde of māras is incinerated – source of bliss,
excellent deity!

kar sel lang tso rap dzok da zhön gyi/
nying po lé drup zhen gyi mi tup pa/
mi dang mi min jung lé jungwa yi/
gel kyen kün zhi lek tsok ma lü tsöl/

Radiant, in perfect youth like a clear moon,
Invincible one born from the essence mantra,
Bestow without exception the pacification of all
obstructing conditions,
Arising from human and non-human sources.

khyé par pa röl mi sün sam jor gyi/
go sum nen dang jé top ching la sok/
nyer tsé mi tsuk chor dok trin lé kyi/
dak chak nam pa kün tu sung du söl/

Particularly when due to the untamed attitudes and behavior of others,
One’s three doors are suppressed and bound,
May I and others be protected at all times
By the enlightened activity that reverses all harms.


oṃ sarva tathāgato uṣṇīṣa hūṃ phaṭ/
hūṃ mama hum ni svāhā/ recite many times

oṃ mama hūṃ ni svāhā / recite many times

chom den duk kar lha tsok nam/
tu top tok pa mi nga zhing/
tuk jé mön lam tu tsen pé/
dak gi ji lhar sölwa zhin/
sang gyé ten pa darwa dang/
sem chen dé dang den par dzö/

Assembly of deities of Bhagavatī White Parasol:
By your unhindered strength and power,
And by the power of your compassion and aspirations,
Just as I have supplicated,
May the buddhas’ doctrine flourish,
And may sentient beings have happiness!


gyu jor yön dak khor ché kyi/
chak ché nyam nga dok tu söl/
mi lam tsen ma ngen pa dok/
tak dang ten drel ngen pa dok/

May the misfortunes and fears
Of the generous patrons and their retinue be reversed!
Reverse evil omens in dreams!
Reverse bad signs and circumstances!

dra dré sam jor ngen pa dok/
té ngen gyé chu tsa zhi dok/
yé drok sum gya druk chu dok/
né rik zhé gya tsa zhi dok/

Reverse the evil intentions and actions of enemies and piśacas!
Reverse the eighty four evil omens!
Reverse the three hundred and sixty obstructing forces!
Reverse the four hundred and four classes of illnesses!

gek rik tong trak gyé chu dok/
dü min chiwa nam gyé dok/
yé kyi dü du yö pa dok/
mé kyi si ru lang pa dok/

Reverse the eighty thousand classes of obstacles!
Reverse the eight types of untimely deaths!
Reverse the māras stirring from above!
Reverse the devils rising from below!

trelwé shé du kö pa dok/
pa mé dur si lang pa dok/
mi la né du tongwa dok/
chuk la go kha jé pa dok/

Reverse the doom marked on brows!
Reverse the spirits rising from ancestors’ graves!
Reverse diseases spread among humans!
Reverse that which sicken livestock!

nam gyi del kha tap pa dok/
sa yi duk da yö pa dok/
mé wa par kha ngen pa dok/
kak dang pung si lang pa dok/
mi tün chok kün dok gyur chik/

Reverse calamities that come from the sky!
Reverse poisonous arrows that shoot from the earth!
Reverse unfavorable astrological calculations!
Reverse the arising of doom and unlucky stars!
May all discordant conditions be reversed!


dé shek tuk jé tsuk tor lé trung shing/
denjung ten la nö jé tsar ché né/
dé lek dré bu nyewar tsöl dzé pé/
dé chok duk kar chen gyi tra shi shok//

Born from the uṣṇīṣa of the compassionate one gone-to-bliss,
Source of bliss, subduing those who harm the doctrine,
Granting the full fruition of bliss and happiness—
May supremely blissful White Parasol bring all auspiciousness!

This was composed by the mahāsiddha of Lhodrak, Lekyi Dorjé