Dr. Lye’s teachings and guided practice on “The Bodhisattva’s Confession of Downfalls”

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sem chen tam ché tak par la ma la kyap su chi’o/ sang gyé la kyap su chi’o/ chö la kyap su chi’o/ gendün la kyap su chi’o/

All sentient beings continuously take refuge in the Guru, take refuge in the Buddha, take refuge in the Dharma and take refuge in the Sangha.

chom den dé dé zhin shek pa dra chom pa yang dak par dzok pé sang gyé shakya tup pa la chak tsel lo/
dor jé nying pö rap tu jom pa la chak tsel lo/
rin chen ö tro la chak tsel lo/
lu wang gi gyel po la chak tsel lo/
pawö dé la chak tsel lo/
pa gyé la chak tsel lo/
rin chen mé la chak tsel lo/

Homage to you bhagavān, tathāgata, arhat, completely and perfectly awakened Śākyamuni (Sage of the Śākyas).
Homage to Vajragarbhapramardin (Thoroughly Conquered with Vajra Essence).
Homage to Ratnār-cis (Radiant Jewel).
Homage to Nāgeśvara-rāja (King of Nāga Lords).
Homage to Vīra-sena (Leader of the Heroes).
Homage to Vīra-nandin (Heroic Delight).
Homage to Ratnāgni (Jewel Fire).

rin chen da ö la chak tsel lo/ tongwa dön yö la chak tsel lo/
rin chen dawa la chak tsel lo/
dri ma mé pa la chak tsel lo/
pel jin la chak tsel lo/
tsang pa la chak tsel lo/
tsang pé jin la chak tsel lo/

Homage to Ratna-candra-prabha (Jewel Moonlight).
Homage to Amoghadarśin (Meaningful Vision).
Homage to Ratna-candra (Jewel Moon).
Homage to Nirmala (Stainless One).
Homage to Śūradatta (Giving of Glory).
Homage to Brahma (Pure One).
Homage to Brahmadatta (Giving of Purity).

chu lha la chak tsel lo/
chu lhé lha la chak tsel lo/
pel zang la chak tsel lo/
tsanden pel la chak tsel lo/
zi ji ta yé la chak tsel lo/
ö pel la chak tsel lo/
nya ngen mé pé pel la chak tsel lo/

Homage to Varuṇa (Water God).
Homage to Varuṇa-deva (God of Water God).
Homage to Bhadra-śrī (Glorious Goodness).
Homage to Candana-śrī (Glorious Sandalwood).
Homage to Ananta-ujas (Infinite Splendor).
Homage to Prabhāsa-śrī (Glorious Brilliance).
Homage to Aśoka-śrī (Glorious Without Sorrow).

sé mé kyi bu la chak tsel lo/
mé tok pel la chak tsel lo/
dé zhin shek pa tsang pé ö zer nam par röl pa
ngön par khyen pa la chak tsel lo/
dé zhin shek pa pemé ö zer nam par röl pa ngön par khyen pa la
chak tsel lo/
nor pel la chak tsel lo/
dren pé pel la chak tsel lo/
tsen pel shin tu yong drak la chak tsel lo/

Homage to Nārāyaṇa (Son of Non-Craving).
Homage to Kusuma-śrī (Glorious Flower).
Homage to Tathāgata Brahma-jyotir-vikrī-ḍita-abhi-jña
(you tathāgata, Pure Brilliance Manifold Display of
Complete Omniscience).
Homage to Tathāgata Padma-jyotir-vikrī-ḍita-abhi-jña (you tathāgata,
Lotus Brilliance Manifold Display of Complete
Homage to Dhana-śrī (Glorius Wealth).
Homage to Smṛti-śrī (Glorious Mindfulness).
Homage to Supari-kīrtita-namadheya-śrī (Widely Renowned Glorious Name).

wang pö tok gi gyel tsen gyi gyel po la chak tsel lo/
shin tu nam par nön pé pel la chak tsel lo/
yül lé shin tu nam par gyelwa la chak tsel lo/
nam par nön pé shek pé pel la chak tsel lo/
kün né nangwa kö pé pel la chak tsel lo/
rin chen pema nam par nön pa la chak tsel lo/
dé zhin shek pa dra chom pa yang dak par dzok pé sang gyé rin po ché pema la rap tu zhuk pa ri wang gi gyel po la chak tsel lo/

Homage to Indra-ketu-dhvaja-rāja (King of Victory Banners that Crowns Indra).
Homage to Su-vikrānta-śrī (Glorious Utterly Complete Subduer).
Homage to Vijita-saṃgrāma (Utterly and Completely Victorious in Battle).
Homage to Vikrānta-gāmin (Transcendent through Complete Subduing).
Homage to Samantā-vabhāsa-vyūhaśrī (Glorious All-Illuminating Array).
Homage to Ratnapadma-vikrāmin (Jewel Lotus Complete Subduer).
Homage to you tathāgata, arhat, completely and perfectly awakened Ratna-padma- supratiṣ-ṭhita-śailendra-rāja (Jewel Lotus Firm as
King of Mountains).

dé dak la sok pa chok chü jik ten gyi kham tam ché na dé zhin shek pa dra chom pa yang dak par dzok pé sang gyé gang ji nyé chik zhuk té tso zhing zhé pé sang gyé chom den dé dé dak tam ché dak la gong su söl/

May you, and however many other bhagavāns, tathāgatas, arhats, complete and perfect buddhas who are abiding in all the realms of the worlds of the ten directions—all you bhagavān buddhas—please turn your attention to me!

dak gi kyewa di dang kyewa tok ma dang tama machi pa né/ khorwa na khorwé kyé né tam ché du dik pé lé gyi pa dang/ gyi du tsel wa dang/ gyi pa la jé su yi rang wa’am/

Over the course of this and all other lives in samsara without beginning or end—whatever wrongs I may have done, have caused others to do, or have rejoiced in their being done;

chör ten gyi kor ram/ gendün gyi kor ram/ chok chü gendün gyi kor trok pa dang/ trok tu tsel wa dang/ trok pa la jé su yi rang wa’am/

whatever possessions of stūpas, possessions of the Sangha, or possessions of Sanghas of the ten directions I may have stolen, have caused others to steal, or have rejoiced in the stealing of;

tsam ma chi pa ngé lé gyi pa dang/ gyi du tsel wa dang/ gyi pa la jé su yi rang wa’am/

whichever of the five actions of immediate retribution I may have done, have caused others to do, or have rejoiced in their being done;

mi gewa chü lé kyi lam yang dak par langwa la zhuk pa dang/ juk tu tsel wa dang/ juk pa la jé su yi rang wa’am/

whichever of the ten non-virtuous actions I may have engaged in, have caused others to engage in, or rejoiced in their engagement;

lé kyi drip pa gang gi drip né/ dak sem chen nyelwar chi wa’am/ dündrö kyé né su chi wa’am/ yi dak kyi yül du chi wa’am/

whatever karmic obscurations there are, by which I become a hell being, or one who goes to the animal realm, or to the land of the pretas,

yül ta khop tu kye wa’am/ la lor kye wa’am/ lha tsé ring po nam su kye wa’am/ wang po ma tsangwar gyur wa’am/

or to birth in border regions among barbarians, or among the long-lived gods, or that would lead to incomplete sense faculties,

tawa lok pa dzin par gyur wa’am/ sang gyé jungwa la nyé par mi gyi par gyurwé lé kyi drip pa gang lak pa/

or holding wrong views, or to not rejoicing at the appearance of a buddha—

dé dak tam ché sang gyé chom den dé yé shé su gyur pa/ chen du gyur pa/ pang du gyur pa/ tsé mar gyur pa/ khyen pa zik pa/ dé dak gi chen ngar töl lo/ chak so/ mi chap wo/ mi bé do/ len ché kyang chö ching dom par gyi lak so/

I confess all of these in the presence of the bhagavān buddhas who have primordial wisdom, who are witnesses, who are authorities, who know and see. I admit them and do not conceal them. Henceforth I vow to refrain from them.

sang gyé chom den dé dé dak tam ché dak la gong su söl/

All you bhagavān buddhas, please turn your attention to me!

dak gi kyewa di dang kyewa tok ma dang tama machi pa né/ khorwa na khorwé kyewa zhen dak tu jin pa ta na dündrö kyé né su kyé pa la zé kham chik tsam tsel bé gewé tsawa gang lak pa dang/

Over the course of this and all other lives in samsara without beginning or end—whatever causes of virtue there may be from my having
given gifts to others, even as little as a mouthful of food to an animal;

dak gi tsül trim sung pé gewé tsawa gang lak pa dang/dak gi tsang par chö pa la né pé gewé tsawa gang lak pa dang/dak gi sem chen yong su min par gyi pé gewé tsawa gang lak pa dang/ dak gi jang chup chok tu sem kyé pé gewé tsawa gang lak pa dang/ dak gi la na mé pé yé shé kyi gewé tsawa gang lak pa dé dak tam ché chik tu dü shing dum té/

whatever cause of virtue there may be in my having preserved discipline; whatever cause of virtue there may be in my having maintained
pure conduct; whatever cause of virtue there may be in my having caused sentient beings to mature; whatever cause of virtue there may be in my having roused a mind set on supreme awakening; whatever cause of virtue there may be in unsurpassed primordial wisdom—

dom né la na ma chi pa dang/ gong na ma chi pa dang/ gong mé yang gong ma/ la mé yang la mar yong su ngowé/ la na mé pa yang dak par dzok pé jang chup tu yong su ngowar gyi’o/

Combining, gathering, and collecting all of this together, I dedicate it to the unexcelled, unsurpassed, most exalted, the most excellent; I
dedicate it to unsurpassed, complete and perfect awakening.

ji tar dé pé sang gyé chom den dé nam kyi yong su ngö pa dang/ ji tar ma jön pé sang gyé chom den dé nam kyi yong su ngowar gyurwa dang/ ji tar da tar jungwé sang gyé chom den dé nam kyi yong su ngowar dzé pa dé zhin du dak gi kyang yong su ngowar gyi’o/

Just as past bhagavān buddhas have dedicated, and just as future bhagavān buddhas will dedicate, and just as the bhagavān buddhas of the present in all directions are dedicating now, I also fully dedicate in the very same way.

dik pa tam ché ni so sor shak so/ sö nam tam ché la jé su yi rang ngo/ sang gyé tam ché la kül zhingsölwa dep so/ dak gi la na mé pé yé shé kyi chok dam pa top par gyur chik/

I confess each and every misdeed. I rejoice in all merit. I request and entreat all buddhas. May I attain sublime, supreme, unsurpassed primordial wisdom!

mi chok gyelwa gang dak da tar zhuk pa dang/ gang dak dé pa dak dang dé zhin gang ma jön/ yön ten ngak pa ta yé gya tso dra kün la/ tel mo jarwar gyi té kyap su nyewar chi’o/

Supreme among humans, victors now present,
Those of the past, and those yet to come,
Your praiseworthy qualities are boundless like the
With folded palms, I fully go to you for refuge!

Adapted from Lotsawa House by Konchok Yedor during the Month of Miracles of the Iron Ox Year (2021). Completed on the day of “The Great Festival of Miracles” (Chötrul Düchen), at the auspicious conclusion of a 16-day international practice & teaching program of “Days of Miracles Thirty-five Buddhas Practice of Clearing of Karmic Obscurations.”