more curry less worry

The result of what one presently accomplishes
will be enjoyed in the present.
-Gongchik. Vajra Statement 2.8

“More Curry, Less Worry” began during the COVID pandemic. During our online “Days of Miracles: 35 Buddhas Purification Practice” for the Losar (New Year) season in 2021, participants did a collection of donations to offer food to the homeless and the beggars in Boudha Stupa area in Nepal. We even offered to the dogs and monkeys around the Boudha and Swayambhu stupas. It was from this effort that “More Curry, Less Worry” started. This project planned to offer food more “universally” for an initial period of 3 months in the Boudha Stupa and surrounding area. In this project, the type of giving we want to engage in is a type of giving that is less limited by the usual discrimination or concept of “I’m better off, you are less fortunate. ” As Dr. Lye explained, it’s of course good to think of others who are materially disadvantaged and without choice have to occupy their minds and bodies making ends meet so that they and their families don’t go to bed hungry. Lots of great organizations are thankfully working on meeting those needs and helping in big and small ways to make life a little less challenging for those who are indeed impoverished. But when our giving is solely based on that distinction or hierarchy, we forget a more important point. And what is this point? It is as follows: Why do we give? Because it’s good to receive. We all need and could use more kindness. We all need joy. We all need pleasant surprises. Since there is no receiving without giving and since receiving is good, then giving is good as well. And in the context of the giving and receiving of food especially, another related point is that we all eat. Sometimes we are in a circumstance where we can get food easily, sometimes we’re in a circumstance where we cannot get food easily. Therefore, it’s good to engage in giving and receiving food. You don’t need to justify the sharing of food which is the fulfillment of a basic need of life.

“More Curry, Less Worry” is a very small and modest project. We offer 50 lunches in the Boudha Stupa area in Kathmandu, Nepal weekly. Our caterers and food-distributors (a Dharma-family team of mother and daughters) know to be on the lookout for folks who clearly need the lunches – the homeless, the beggars and monks and nuns who live in poverty. Beyond this group, we give it to anyone who wants a free lunch. A shopkeeper, a worker during lunch time looking like they have not eaten yet, a tourist, anyone really! In this way, we normalize the receiving of food – no one should feel less because they need to eat! It’s universal giving, receiving and dedicating. This “More Curry, Less Worry” project isn’t “charity” as normally understood. Besides, our 50 lunches a week doesn’t really anyone’s problem! So we don’t pretend to engage in “charity.” All we are doing is once a week, we get to share good-tasting and nutritious food with 50 others. That’s all!

Want to join us in this project with joy? Below you will find different ways to participate based on your location/country. Each country will then forward all of their donations directly to the implementation of this project in Nepal. May it be good!


  • Please contact Jasper Ang via email for information on where to channel your donation.
  • Email address: where Jasper will respond with the details on how to make the donation.
  • Subject of the email: More Curry Less Worry – SEA
  • Or you can message him in WhatsApp +60 12-515 2699


Si está ubicado en Guatemala, esta es la información para poder realizar una donación. Aquí, el dinero sera recolectado y posteriormente habilitado en la cuenta de Urban Dharma NC en US. Urban Dharma es copartícipe de este proyecto.

  • Enviar un correo a en donde responderán con los detalles de como realizar la donación.
  • Su donación puede ser realizada en dólares o quetzales. La conversión de quetzales a dólares se aplicará la tasa local de ese día.
  • Asunto del correo: Donación Boudha

If you are located in Guatemala. Here is the contact information where you can place your donation. Here, it will all be collected and then sent to Urban Dharma NC in the US. Urban Dharma NC is a partner in this project.

  • Send an email to where they will respond with the details on how to make the donation. Casa Tibet Guatemala is a partner in this project.
  • Your donation can be placed in dollars or local currency. Local currency exchange rates to dollars will apply.
  • Subject of the email: Donacion Boudha


Si está ubicado en México, esta es la información para poder realizar una donación. Aquí, el dinero sera recolectado y posteriormente habilitado en la cuenta de Urban Dharma NC en US. Urban Dharma es copartícipe de este proyecto.

  • Enviar correo a y poner en copia a, donde Magda responderá con los detalles de cómo realizar la donación
  • Asunto del correo: Donación Boudha

If you are located in Mexico. Here is the contact information where you can place your donation. Here, it will all be collected and then sent to Urban Dharma NC in the US. Urban Dharma NC is a partner in this project.

  • Send an email to and copy, where Magda will respond with the details on how to make the donation.
  • Subject of the email: Donacion Boudha


If you are located in the US or have access to a PayPal account, please make a donation by clicking on the button below. This will send your donation directly to Urban Dharma NC. When you send the donation, please include in the NOTES the following: MCLW Project.