A core text of the mind-training (Tibetan: lojong་བློ་བྱོང་) tradition originating from Jowo Atisha (980-1054), the 11th century great Bengali master who reignited the growth and spread of the Buddhadharma in Tibet after a period in Tibetan history known as “the Dark Age.” This text was compiled by Geshe Chekawa (1102-1176).

Another core-text of the mind-training tradition, it is said that Geshe Chekawa himself read this text and was inspired to seek out Geshe Langri Tangpa (1054-1123) who composed this pithy-text but only to learn that by then the geshe had already passed away. This mind-training text, therefore, preceded Geshe Chekawa’s text and is a succinct summary of the essentials of the mind-training tradition.

Credits: (1) Japanese Landscape. Unknown source. (2) Meditating. Unknown source. (3) Photo by Conscious Design. Unsplash.com