Dedication Verses

Dedication Verses

dor jé chang chen tilli na ro dang/ mar pa mi la chö jé gam po pa/
pak mo dru pa gyelwa dri gung pa/ ka gyü la ma nam kyi tra shi shok/

Great Vajradhara, Tillipa, Naropa,
Marpa, Milarepa, Dharma Lord Gampopa,
Pakmo Drupa and conqueror Drikungpa,
Please bestow upon us the most auspicious blessings of all you Kagyu gurus.

sö nam di yi tam ché zik pa nyi/ top né nyé pé dra nam pam jé té/
kyé ga na chi ba long truk pa yi/ si pé tso lé drowa dröl war shok/

By this merit may I achieve the all-knowing state.
May all who wander on the waves of birth, old-age, sickness and death,
Cross the ocean of samsara,
By defeating enemies of faults and delusions.

gek rik tong trak gyé chu shiwa dang/ mi tün nö pé kyen dang drelwa dang/
tün par drup ching pün sum tsok gyur pé/ tra shi dé kyang deng dir dé lek shok/

May the eighty thousand classes of obstructers be pacified,
Thus freeing this place from unfavorable and harmful
May harmonious and excellent endowments be established,
And with this auspiciousness bring about bliss and happiness.

jang chup sem chok rin po ché/ ma kyé pa nam kyé gyur chik/
kyé pa nyam pa mé par yang/ gong né gong du pelwar shok/

Bodhicitta, the excellent and precious mind,
Where it is unborn may it arise.
Where it is born, may it not decline,
But ever increase, higher and higher.

la ma ku kham zang war sölwa dep/ chok tu ku tsé ring war sölwa dep/
trin lé dar zhing gyé par sölwa dep/ la ma dang drelwa mé par jin gyi lop/

I pray for the excellent health of the gurus,
And may the gurus’ supreme life be long.
May the gurus’ activities spread far and wide,
And may I be blessed not to be separated from the gurus.

jam pel pawö ji tar khyen pa dang/ kün tu zang po dé yang dé zhin té/
dé dak kün gyi jé su dak lop chir/ gewa di dak tam ché rap tu ngo/

Just as heroic Mañjuśrī knows everything as it is and
Samantabhadra who is thus as well,
So too will I follow in their path
And perfectly dedicate all the virtues accumulated.

sang gyé ku sum nyé pé jin lap dang/ chö nyi mi gyur den pé jin lap dang/
gendün mi ché dü pé jin lap kyi/ ji tar ngö zhin mön lam drup par shok/

By the blessings of the buddhas who have attained the three kāyas,
By the blessings of the truth of the unchanging Dharma-as-such,
By the blessings of the indivisible sangha order,
May these dedication and aspiration prayers be accomplished.

dak dang khor dé tam ché kyi/ dü sum du sak pa dang/ yö pé gewé tsawa di dak dang sem chen
tam ché nyur du la na mé pa yang dak par dzok pé jang chup rin po ché top par gyur chik/

By the virtues collected in the three times by me, and the entirety of samsara and nirvana,
may I and all sentient beings quickly attain the unsurpassed, perfect, complete, precious awakening.

shé ja kün zik kün khyen chö kyi jé/ ten drel né la wang top dri gung pa/
rin chen pel gyi ten pa si té bar/ shé drup tö sam gom pé dzin gyur chik/

May the teachings of the great Drikungpa Ratnaśrī,
The all-knowing Dharma lord, master of interdependence,
Continue to increase through study, practice,
Contemplation and meditation until the end of samsara.