The Seven-fold Worship from the Sutra Tradition

The Seven-fold Worship from the Sutra Tradition

ji nyé su dak chok chü jik ten na/ dü sum shek pa mi yi seng gé kün/
dak gi ma lü dé dak tam ché la/ lü dang ngak yi dangwé chak gyi’o/

In all the worlds of the ten directions
Reside tathāgatas of the three times,
Before each of you lions among humans,
I prostrate joyfully with body, speech and mind.

zang po chö pé mön lam top dak gi/ gyelwa tam ché yi kyi ngön sum du/
zhing gi dül nyé lü rap tü pa yi/ gyelwa kün la rap tu chak tsel lo/

By the power of this “Aspiration to Noble Deeds,”
All conquerors appear vividly in my mind.
With as many bodies as there are atoms in all lands,
I prostrate to all you conquerors.

dül chik teng na dül nyé sang gyé nam/ sang gyé sé kyi ü na zhuk pa dak/
dé tar chö kyi ying nam ma lü pa/ tam ché gyelwa dak gi gangwar mö/

In each atom are buddhas numberless as atoms,
All in the midst of the heirs of the buddhas.
Thus, I conceive of this dharmadhātu
As completely filled with you conquerors in this way.

dé dak ngak pa mi zé gya tso nam/ yang kyi yen lak gya tsö dra kün gyi/
gyelwa kün gyi yön ten rap jö ching/ de war shek pa tam ché dak gi tö/

With infinite oceans of praise
And oceans of diverse melodies,
I sing the excellent qualities of all you conquerors,
And praise all of you gone to bliss.

mé tok dam pa trengwa dam pa dang/ sil nyen nam dang juk pa duk chok dang/
mar mé chok dang duk pö dam pa yi/ gyelwa dé dak la ni chö par gyi/

With the best flowers and best garlands
Best music, ointments and excellent parasols,
Finest lamps and superior incense,
I offer to you conquerors.

na za dam pa nam dang dri chok dang/ ché mé pur ma ri rap nyam pa dang/
kö pé khyé par pak pé chok kün gyi/ gyelwa dé dak la yang chö par gyi/

With excellent garments and best fragrances and
Sandalwood powder heaped high as Mount Meru,
All wondrous offerings perfectly arranged,
I offer to you conquerors.

chö pa gang nam la mé gya chewa/ dé dak gyelwa tam ché la yang mö/
zang po chö la dé pé top dak gi/ gyelwa kün la chak tsel chö par gyi/

These vast and unequalled offerings –
To each and every one of you conquerors,
With the power of conviction in noble deeds,
I prostrate and offer to all you conquerors.

dö chak zhé dang ti muk wang gi ni/ lü dang ngak dang dé zhin yi kyi kyang/
dik pa dak gi gyi pa chi chi pa/ dé dak tam ché dak gi so sor shak/

All the harmful deeds that I have done
With my body, speech and mind,
Under the power of desire, hatred and ignorance,
I confess each and every one of them.

chok chü gyelwa kün dang sang gyé sé/ rang gyel nam dang lop dang mi lop dang/
drowa kün gyi sö nam gang la yang/ dé dak kün gyi jé su dak yi rang/

I rejoice in all the meritorious deeds of
All conquerors in the ten directions and,
The heirs of the buddhas,
Solitary realizers, hearers still in training and beyond, and all migratory beings.

gang nam chok chü jik ten drön ma dak/ jang chup rim par sang gyé ma chak nyé/
gön po dé dak dak gi tam ché la/ khor lo la na mé pa korwar kül/

You who are lamps of the worlds of the ten directions,
Who have unobstructedly attained buddhahood through the stages of awakening,
All you who are my protectors,
Please turn the unexcelled Wheel of Dharma.

nya ngen da tön gang zhé dé dak la/ drowa kün la pen zhing dewé chir/
kel pa zhing gi dül nyé zhuk par yang/ dak gi tel mo rap jar sölwar gyi/

With palms together I earnestly beseech
You who may intend to manifest final nirvana,
Please remain for as many aeons as there are atoms in the world,
For the happiness and well-being of all migratory beings.

chak tselwa dang chö ching shak pa dang/ jé su yi rang kül zhing sölwa yi/
gewa chung zé dak gi chi sak pa/ tam ché dak gi jang chup chir ngo/

Whatever slight virtue that may have been gathered
Through prostrating, offering, confessing,
Rejoicing, requesting and beseeching,
I now dedicate to complete awakening.