Opening Recitations

Opening Recitations

Aspiration bodhicitta
dak la dangwar jé pé dra/ nö par jé pé gek/
tar pa dang tam ché khyen pé bar du chö par jé pa tam ché kyi tso jé pé/
ma nam kha dang nyam pé sem chen tam ché dewa dang den/
duk ngel dang drel/ nyur du la na mé pa yang dak par dzok pé jang chup rin po ché top par ja/ (x3)

All mother sentient beings limitless as the sky,
especially those enemies who hate me, obstructers who harm me,
and those who create obstacles on my path to liberation and all-knowingness:
May they experience happiness and be separated from suffering.
I will quickly establish them in the state of the most perfect and precious awakening. Repeat three times.

Action bodhicitta
dé ché du sang ma gyé kyi bar du lü ngak yi sum gewa la köl/
ma shi bar du lü ngak yi sum gewa la köl/
dü dé ring né zung té nyi ma sang da tsam gyi bar du lü ngak yi sum gewa la köl/

Thus, until I achieve awakening,
I engage in virtuous deeds with body, speech and mind.
Until death, I engage in virtuous deeds with body, speech and mind.
From now, until this time tomorrow, I engage in virtuous deeds with body, speech and mind.

Taking refuge
sang gyé chö dang tsok kyi chok nam la/
jang chup bar du dak ni kyap su chi/
dak gi jin sok gyi pé sö nam kyi/ dro la pen chir sang gyé drup par shok/ (3x)

In the buddha, Dharma and sangha most excellent,
I take refuge until awakening is reached.
By the merit of generosity and other perfections,
May I attain buddhahood for the sake of all migratory beings. Repeat three times.

Four immeasurables
ma nam kha dang nyam pé sem chen tam ché dewa dang dewé gyu dang den par gyur chik/
duk ngel dang duk ngel gyi gyu dang drelwar gyur chik/
duk ngel mé pé dewa dang mi drelwar gyur chik/
nyé ring chak dang nyi dang drelwé tang nyom la né par gyur chik/ (3x)

May all mother sentient beings, limitless as the sky have happiness and the causes of happiness,
may they be liberated from suffering and the causes of suffering,
may they never be separated from the happiness that is free from sorrow,
may they rest in equanimity, free from attachment and aversion. Repeat three times.

Seven-fold worship
chak tselwa dang chö ching shak pa dang/
jé su yi rang kül zhing söl wa yi/
gewa chung zé dak gi chi sak pa/
tam ché dzok pé jang chup chir ngo’o/

Whatever slight virtue that may have been gathered
Through prostrating, offering, confessing,
Rejoicing, requesting and beseeching,
I now dedicate to complete awakening.