Brief Sukhāvatī Aspiration

Brief Sukhāvatī Aspiration

emaho/ ngo tsar sang gyé nangwa ta yé dang/ yé su jowo tuk jé chen po dang/
yön du sem pa tu chen top nam la/ sang gyé jang sem pak mé khor gyi kor/
dé kyi ngo tsar pak tu mé pa yi/ dewa chen zhé jawé zhing kham der/

Emaho! Amitābha, magnificent Buddha of Boundless Light,
With the great compassionate lord Avalokiteśvara to his right,
And Vajrapāṇi-Mahāsthāmaprāpta on his left,
Surrounded by an assembly of countless buddhas and bodhisattvas
In the place of wonder and boundless joy and happiness
That is the heavenly realm of Sukhāvatī, the Blissful Paradise.

dak ni di né tsé pö gyur ma tak/ kyewa zhen gyi bar ma chö pa ru/
dé ru kyé né nang té zhel tong shok/ dé ké dak gi mön lam tap pa di/
chok chü sang gyé jang sem tam ché kyi/ gek mé drup par jin gyi lap tu söl/
teyatha | pentsadriya awabodhanayé soha

When the time comes for me to leave this present life,
May I go there directly, without any other birth upon the way,
And being reborn there, may I see Amitābha face to face!
May this, my fervent prayer of aspiration,
Be blessed by all the buddhas and bodhisattvas of the ten directions
So that it is accomplished, without the slightest hindrance!
tadyathā pañcendriyāvabodhanīye svāhā

Credits: (1) A Painting of Amitabha in the Sukhavati Heaven, 18th/19th century, Tibet, Christies.